Implicit Fault Injection
FizzBee is tailored for engineers and architects designing distributed systems, offering features not commonly found in formal methods tools like TLA+.
One standout capability is implicit fault injection in its model checker, enabling automated testing of system resilience to common failures.
In TLA+, actions are strictly atomic, representing a single state transition. While this approach simplifies reasoning about individual state transitions, it introduces several challenges:
- Explicitly model the network as memory: You must treat network communication as if it were shared memory, modeling its behavior explicitly.
- Explicitly model potential failure scenarios: Failures like message loss or process crashes must be manually accounted for.
- Represent sequences of operations using program counters: Sequential workflows require additional bookkeeping to simulate step-by-step progression.
- Mentally reason about all possible transitions: You are responsible for considering all intermediate and potential system states.
While FizzBee supports that approach, it also introduces a new paradigm: non-atomic actions. FizzBee allows actions to span multiple state transitions within a single invocation, such as a user/client request or a timer action. This shift in design brings several benefits:
- Natural modeling of complex operations: Actions like threading, sequential workflows, or distributed transactions can be modeled directly.
- Automatic fault injection: FizzBee automatically handles failures (e.g., message loss, process crashes) during multi-step operations.
- Automated reasoning: The most significant advantage is that FizzBee reasons about the system for you, exploring all possible transitions and failure scenarios.
By letting you describe your design as naturally as you think about it, FizzBee reduces cognitive overhead and ensures that fault scenarios are systematically and thoroughly analyzed.
These are the list of faults that are injected implicitly by FizzBee.
- Message loss
- Network partition
- Thread crash
- Node/process crash (Loss of ephemeral state)
- Disk failure (Loss of persistent state)
Some faults not injected, but needs explicit modelling are
- Byzantine faults
- Message duplication
- Disk corruption
- Memory corruption
Since most distributed systems are built on top of unreliable networks, message loss is a common fault. When a message is lost, the system might not make progress, or might make incorrect progress. Like most practical systems, the network message delivery is at most once by default. To use at least once you would need to model explicit retries.
Let us see a simple message passing example over unreliable network.
When you run this example, and open the state transition graph, you will see that after a Send action is triggered, the system can reach one of the 3 states.
Sender in ‘calling’ state. But the receiver did not receive. Although, the graph just says ‘crash’, it implies any of these scenario.
- Application called the rpc code, but the sending thread crashed before sending
- Application sent, but the network dropped the message and call timeout
- Application sent, the receiver received but the receiver thread crashed before it could process
Sender in ‘calling’ state. Receiver in ‘done’ state. This is the scenario where the message was delivered, but the response was lost. Similar to the previous case, the
could imply either the message lost or the receiver’s thread crashed just before sending the response msg or the sender received the response but the thread crashed before the message could be processed. -
Sender in ‘done’ state. Receiver in ‘done’ state. This is the normal scenario where the message was delivered.
Let us add some assertion. If a message is sent, the sender must eventually reach the ‘done’ state.
always eventually assertion Done:
return s.state == "init" or s.state == "done"
The liveness property Done
will fail because of the message loss.
Let us make a small change in the yaml config at the top.
deadlock_detection: false
max_actions: 100
max_concurrent_actions: 1
and make the Send
action fair
This will allow Send to be called infinitely, and the liveness property will eventually pass.
While it is technically possible for the messages to be lost continuously it is highly unlikely and gives uninteresting scenario, so FizzBee ensures the fault behavior is practical.
Network partition is just a special case of message loss, where all messages between two sets of nodes are lost for an extended period of time. Since FizzBee explores all possible transitions - including all possible message loss configurations, it will automatically explore the network partition scenarios.
When an action is being processed, it is possible for the thread to crash at an arbitrary yield point. When a thread crashes, if the action had a sequence of steps, the later steps will not get executed.
Let us see a simple example of thread crash. We will have a single Send action, once triggered there is an infinite loop that will retry forever.
When you run this example, you will see that the Send
crash at some point, and so,
the infinite loop will be exited due to the crash.
Node or process crash is a special case of thread crash, where all the threads are killed. This is model checked by default without requiring any additional specification
But when a process crashes, all the ephemeral state is lost. At present, all the state variables
of a role are considered durable
by default. So, when a process crashes, all the state variables are retained.
To the same example, we will add two counters Sender.request_sent
and Receiver.request_received
In the normal operation, the Sender.request_sent
will be always greater than or equal to Receiver.request_received
If the counter’s are not durable, then the assertion will fail when the sender crashes, because the request_sent
will be lost.
To mark some states as ephemeral
or durable
you can use the state
annotation to the role.
role Sender:
# actions and functions
In this case, only the request_sent will be reset when the sender process crashes. The Sender.state
is still durable. If many variables are ephemeral, you can instead just mark only the durable variables.
role Sender:
# actions and functions
Now try this example in the playground, and you will see that the assertion will fail when the sender crashes.
When you run, it will show the invariant failure when the sender crashes.
This is a work in progress where will make the node becomes permanently unavailable. That would implicitly imply the loss of persistent state. Since this is not typically modelled in many distributed systems, this must be explicitly enabled with a configuration.
For liveness properties will need to be adjusted to take into account the loss of nodes.
For example, instead of saying all the receivers must eventually agree
, we might say
all the receivers that are alive must eventually agree